About Us

Eclipse Solar Ltd working for your home

We specialise in installing solar panels on residential properties, empowering homeowners with clean and renewable energy solutions. With Eclipse Solar Ltd, you can enjoy significant cost savings, reduce your carbon footprint, and contribute to a greener future. Our team of experts ensures seamless installation, maximizing your solar energy generation and optimizing energy efficiency. Take control of your energy consumption, increase your property value, and join the solar revolution with Eclipse Solar Ltd. Together, let's shine brighter and make a positive impact on our planet.

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You Should Know

Why Switch to Solar?

Renewable: Endless energy from the sun for a sustainable future.
Cost-effective: Save money with reduced or eliminated electricity bills.
Eco-friendly: Clean energy that fights climate change and reduces pollution.
Energy independence: Control your power and stay resilient during outages.

Why Choose Us?

Trusted tradesmen with proven solar panel installations.
Reliable and efficient solar solutions tailored to your needs.
Competitive pricing without compromising quality or customer satisfaction.
Environmentally conscious approach powering a sustainable future.

Get In Touch


15 Lincombe Slade, Leighton Buzzard, England, LU7 2SG




Bedfordshire & Hertfordshire - 01525 584584

Buckinghamshire - 01908 952213

Lincolnshire - 01754 430023

Northamptonshire - 01604 325102

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